Really, He always blesses and provides for our family, but this week He has really knocked my socks off! So often people ask "How do you do it?", meaning how do we provide for 9 (soon to be 10) kids and the answer is really that WE don't, but God does! Just this week, these are the amazing ways our family has been blessed:
Sunday we ran into our Pediatric dentist who was visiting our church. He only treats our 4 youngest children, so he said he was surprised when he got our Christmas card and realized how large of a family we have. He felt compelled to help us and so we will no longer be billed for any dental care for our children! Whatever insurance does not cover, his practice will absorb! I still have a hard time expressing my gratitude for this enormous blessing!
Monday our wonderful friend from church whose construction company did our roof this summer, was here with his crew to replace some windows (that have badly needed replacement!). Our entire first floor is handicapped-accessible, with the exception of our living room, which is sunken and one step down. Adam and I had discussed where to put a ramp, and I was wondering if it was even possible someday in the future to have the floor elevated. Our friend volunteered himself and a crew from church to do just that! We will pay for the supplies, and he said in one day they can get that floor the same level and put in a wheelchair-friendly flooring (we currently have carpeting) and they will do the labor FREE! Wow!
This week I emailed the International Adoption Clinic at our local children's hospital to get Sam set up as soon as he gets home. I inquired if they had a Spina Bifida clinic that we could get him scheduled with. They responded that the head doctor of the SB clinic is also part of the adoption clinic! She will be overseeing Sam's care, and will be available to us should we have any issues with his care before he gets home, and then will be his first visit once he is home! How wonderful to have this continuity of care for him and us!
Yesterday Ivan and Blair had their two-year follow up with the cardiologist. After EKGs, echocardiagrams, and exams, they were given a clean bill of health and sent on our way to return in another two years! Thank you, Lord!
Last night I stopped at Target and got some amazing deals on some things I hope will fit Sam, most for under a $1! You can't beat that, except for FREE.....Adam came home with 2 huge bags today from a wonderful co-worker! She gave us hand-me-downs for the boys and all in great condition and super nice!
I am blessed beyond words, and the good news continues....our homestudy is on its way to Sam's country for translation. We are waiting on immigration for our approval so our complete dossier can make its trans-Atlantic trip....