Congratulations, DeAngelis Family!
Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped spread the word about the giveaway! I wish I had a prize for all of you. Really, I prayed for each of you as I wrote your names on the raffle tickets. I hope that you will feel blessed to have participated in bringing our precious son home!
The winner of the Visa gift card does not wish to be named. This stubborn-I mean gracious person would like me to keep the gift card to do another giveaway and raise more funds. Still deciding what to do, but I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, we are still WAITING to hear word of a travel date. We are hopeful it will be by the end of this week.
Oh, and special thanks to my goofball Blair who drew the raffle ticket winners and then had to do silly poses while I tried to take the picture!
Thank you so much, Boroughs' family! We are very excited about our new iPad. We will think of you each time we use it.
~The DeAngelis family
What a perfect family to win it! :)
Blair is soooo cute! What a great helper!!! Hope you hear very soon!!! Love, the Burckhards
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