The Boroughs Family

The Boroughs Family

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A service dog for Luke!

Meet Kalani. He is an English Mastiff, and he is being trained to be a service dog and companion to our son Luke. Luke loves dogs! I've actually never seen a child so drawn to dogs, which makes a service dog a perfect fit. Because of Luke's ADHD, he is very distracted and impulsive. Something will grab his attention, and he goes to explore it, without understanding safety. For this reason, Luke frequently uses a special needs stroller in public places. As he gets bigger, this becomes less than ideal. Kalani is training to become Luke's companion in these settings. There is a cost for training and transportation. Our goal is to raise $6000. If you would like to contribute, please see the donation box on the sidebar. We really appreciate it!

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